Suren Moodliar

This page links to several projects to which I contribute. Occasionally, I use Facebook to share interesting news and updates. Note: I do not maintain active LinkedIn, Twitter or other social media presences.

coming July 2023:

Dying for Capitalism

How Big Money Fuels Our Extinction and What We Can Do About it

This is an original, accessible book for scholars, students, activists, and the general public on the greatest crisis the world has faced. The authors challenge the widespread notion that a green and peaceful set of technological reforms in the current economic and political system – perhaps a “green capitalism” – can prevent disaster. Dying for Capitalism analyzes the “triangle of extinction” that links capitalism, environmental destruction, and militarism as a system that cannot sustain life on the planet. The authors analyze how the extinction triangle evolved historically, how it functions globally as integral to the world capitalist order, and how the United States has become the dominant “extinction nation.” They also show how recent anti-democratic and anti-scientific cultural and political forces, intensify denial of the threat and subordinate health and survival to profit and extreme concentrated power. The book offers a “slender path” of social and political transformation that can prevent catastrophe. The path requires moving beyond current ruling systems. But possibilities of survival arise from action at local, state, regional and global levels through multiple strategies and movements that already exist. The authors draw on the history of abolitionism from slavery in the US to show how a system that appears unchangeable can be transformed, while describing organizations, movements and practices that are models of hope and a shift from the triangle of extinction to the “circle of creation.”

June 2023


Suren Moodliar (2021) ‘“A Glimpse at the World That’s Possible”: Trusting Michelle Wu,’ DigBoston, September 10, 2021.

Matt Meyer and Suren Moodliar (2021) ‘Capital, Hope, and “a Moment of Terrible Social Intensity”: A Conversation with John Holloway,’ CounterPunch, June 11.

Suren Moodliar (2021) “Why Say ‘Racial Capitalism’ in 2021?” Presentation to The Post Capitalism Conference: Building the Solidarity Economy, Humboldt State University, April 25, 2021.

Ben Manski, Hillary Lazar and Suren Moodliar (2020) “The Millennial Turns and the New Period,” Socialism and Democracy, 34:1,1-50, DOI: 10.1080/08854300.2019.1841711

Jeremy Brecher & Suren Moodliar (2020) Seattle 1999, Creating a Two-Sided Battle, Socialism and Democracy, 34:1, 228-241, DOI: 10.1080/08854300.2019.1718314

Suren Moodliar (2019) Chuck Turner, 1940-2019, DigBoston, December 30

Suren Moodliar (2019) The Most Dangerous Square Mile, Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism, September 18

Suren Moodliar (2018) Miéville’s October, Socialism and Democracy, 32:1, 143-151, DOI: 10.1080/08854300.2018.1451655

Suren Moodliar (2018) On “Recentering” Revolution, Socialism and Democracy, 32:1, 23-30, DOI: 10.1080/08854300.2018.1462969

Suren Moodliar & Victor Wallis (2018) Socialism and Democracy: A Conversation, Socialism and Democracy, 32:1, 152-173, DOI: 10.1080/08854300.2018.1444877

Suren Moodliar (2017) The Party: What We Need and How to Get It, Socialism and Democracy, 31:3, 35-51, DOI: 10.1080/08854300.2017.1386390

Tim DeChristopher & Suren Moodliar (2017) After Harvey & Irma: Mitigation, Adaptation & Suffering, CounterPunch, September 20

Suren Moodliar (2017) The Black-Bloc Riot Is Not the Problem, Z Net, February 18

Suren Moodliar, Weimin Tchen and Dave Burt (2016) Building Hope: An Introduction to the Energy Transition, Socialism and Democracy, 30:2, 1-7, DOI: 10.1080/08854300.2016.1195184

Suren Moodliar (2015) System Change Without Class Struggle? Socialism and Democracy, 29:1, 141-151, DOI: 10.1080/08854300.2015.1008854

Suren Moodliar (2015) On Comparing Slavery and Carbon Dependence, teleSUR, April 18

Suren Moodliar (2014) The Professor and the President: Who’s the Bully? teleSUR, September 22

Suren Moodliar (2014) Militarism, Mass Surveillance and Mass Incarceration, Socialism and Democracy, 28:3, 77-83, DOI: 10.1080/08854300.2014.962244

Suren Moodliar (2014) Who Will Protect the British? teleSUR, September 11

Suren Moodliar (2014) Can the US Keep the Water Flowing? Z Commentary, July 15

Suren Moodliar (2014) Losing Today, Winning Tomorrow? South Africa Set to Re-elect the Party of Mandela, Open Media Boston, May 7

Suren Moodliar (2014) The Lamentable Demise of the Brecht Forum, CounterPunch, May 2

Suren Moodliar (2014) Has the Working Class Really Accepted Austerity? CounterPunch, April 11

Suren Moodliar (2014) No Middle Road on Venezuela,, March 21

Suren Moodliar (2013) Mandela’s Dilemmas Are Ours, But He Leaves His Example, Open Media Boston, December 6

Suren Moodliar (2013) The Unlikely Secret Agent [Book Review], Socialism and Democracy, 27:1, 210-215, DOI: 10.1080/08854300.2013.763446

Suren Moodliar (2012) “Secure Communities” Undermines Us All, Open Media Boston, May 12

Suren Moodliar (2012) Bill McKibben Opens the Global Teach In from Boston, Open Media Boston, April 29

Suren Moodliar (2010) Banking on Change, Open Media Boston, November 22

Suren Moodliar (2011) Endless Resistance as Chronicled by a Former Boston-based Organizer, Open Media Boston, September 6

Suren Moodliar (2011) Alice Amsden – An Economist for the Commonwealth? Open Media Boston, March 30

Suren Moodliar (2011) Libya: Military Intervention Thwarts Humanitarian Objectives, Z Net, March 20

Suren Moodliar (2010) The Turner Difference, Open Media Boston, December 6

Suren Moodliar (2010) Where 10-2-10 Meets 10-30-10, Open Media Boston, September 17

Suren Moodliar (2010) Now That They’ve Come for the Muslims, Open Media Boston, September 27

Suren Moodliar (2010) Peace Movement Connects with Labor for Big October March in DC, Open Media Boston, September 3

Suren Moodliar (2010) The Arizona Provocation, Open Media Boston, April 29

Suren Moodliar (2010) “Looking Over Their Shoulders” Remembering Tim Costello,, January 4

Suren Moodliar (2009) Harvard Honors Ex-President Accused of Massacre, Open Media Boston, March 7

Suren Moodliar (2009) Six Steps the World Social Forum Must Take, Z Net, January 28

Suren Moodliar (2008) Robust Mobilization for Haiti, Open Media Boston, September 12

Suren Moodliar (2008) Coke-free Boston? City Council to Decide, Open Media Boston

Suren Moodliar (2008) Oceans Running Out of Time, Says Leading Reef Scientist, Open Media Boston, July 13

Suren Moodliar (2008) Green Roots Festival Blends Politics and Fun in JP, Open Media Boston, June 13

Suren Moodliar (2007) Letter on Joaquin Villalobos, The Nation, July 30

Kim Foltz and Suren Moodliar (2007) encuentro5: The First Year

Kim Foltz, Suren Moodliar, and Jason Pramas (2005) The Future of the World Social Forum Process, Global Policy Forum, February 9

Jason Pramas and Suren Moodliar (2004) Boston Social Forum, Z Net, September 11

Jeremy Brecher, Tim Costello, Kim Foltz, and Suren Moodliar (2003) Making Networks Work, North American Alliance for Fair Employment

Tim Costello, Kim Foltz, and Suren Moodliar (2002 – 2005) News & Comment – Newsletter of the North American Alliance for Fair Employment. [PDF downloads]

Suren Moodliar (2003) A Call for a Left Realpolitik in 2004, Z Net, July 1 [correctly laid out pdf version]

Suren Moodliar (1992) The Apartheid Roots of “Black-on-Black” Violence, Friends of the African National Congress and Frontline States, Winter

Suren Moodliar (1991) Back in the USSR: Shopping for a Theory, Free Association, Fall